Our international presence
The CII , or Council of International Investigators , is a world-renowned organization dedicated to the supervision and promotion of private research professionals. Founded with the aim of fostering international cooperation between private detectives and investigators , the CII offers a unique platform to exchange knowledge , best practices and resources in the field of private investigation . Aquila Stratégie is proud to be an active and engaged member of the Council of International Investigators (CII) , a leading global organization in the field of private investigation . Thanks to this prestigious affiliation , we have expanded our presence through a network that now covers more than 61 countries . Our commitment to CII allows us to collaborate closely with professional investigators around the world, giving us unprecedented access to resources , expertise and information crucial to our international investigations . As a member of the CII , Aquila Stratégie is not only able to operate in each of these countries, but we are also able to offer our clients an incomparable quality of service thanks to our premium network of partners and international contacts.
Countries with a CII presence
Advantages and a global presence thanks to the CII
This map highlights countries where Aquila Stratégie has established strong partnerships through its affiliation with the International Council of Investigators (CII) . However, our network is not limited to ICN member countries; we also operate in the rest of the world thanks to our extensive network of private research professionals .
The CII , as a world-renowned organization , offers Aquila Stratégie and its clients a series of invaluable benefits . When a request for an investigation arises in one of the CII member countries, our responsiveness is unprecedented. We are committed to responding in less than 24 hours , thus guaranteeing rapid and efficient investigations . This speed is made possible by the fact that our partner detectives are based in the country in question and have in-depth knowledge of local culture, laws and practices . As a result, our investigation services are also more economical , as there is no need to mobilize our team overseas.
CII affiliation is a major asset for Aquila Stratégie , as it allows us to provide our clients with world-class investigative services, whether they require national or international investigations . Our commitment to professional excellence makes us the trusted partner to solve our clients’ complex and varied challenges, wherever they are in the world.
We can also intervene in all other countries which are not members of the ICN .